head on car crash

Head-on collisions are not as common as other types of car accidents, but they are more likely to cause catastrophic or fatal or catastrophic injuries.

Of more than 31,900 multi-vehicle crashes in Oregon in a recent year, 2.3% were head-on collisions. Among the head-on crashes, 12.8 percent were fatal, and 67% caused injuries, according to the 2024 Oregon Department of Transportation report.

Medical care is the immediate concern after a serious car accident caused by vehicles traveling in opposite directions. In the longer term, it’s important to understand your legal rights to address the financial hardships the collision causes.

If you were injured or you have lost a loved one in a head-on collision in Portland, OR, you may be entitled to seek compensation for the medical bills and accident losses you and your family have incurred because of someone else’s negligence. A Portland head-on collision attorney with Rizk Law can provide personalized attention and trusted guidance.

Contact Rizk Law to discuss your legal options after a head-on car accident. Reach us online or at (503) 245-5677 today to set up a free consultation with the Portland car accident lawyer.

Leading Causes of Head-on Collisions in Oregon

Head-on collisions typically occur after a driver drifts across the centerline or loses control in a curve and crosses into oncoming traffic. Head-on crashes also happen when drivers mistakenly turn into traffic coming from the other direction on one-way roads such as highway entrance and exit ramps.

The negligent driving errors that lead to head-on automobile accidents may be caused by:

  •   Driver impairment, including impairment from alcohol or drugs and drowsy driving.
  •   Distracted driving due to texting, talking on the phone, adjusting navigation or entertainment systems, eating, dealing with children, or having pets in the vehicle.
  •   Speeding or driving too fast for conditions and losing control of the vehicle.
  •   Reckless driving, such as illegal passing, or aggressively changing lanes.
  •   Medical emergencies, such as a heart attack, seizure, or other suddenly disabling condition.
  •   Inclement weather that decreases visibility, such as fog, heavy rain or snow, or smoke from forest fires.
  • Roadway defects, such as missing signage, poorly designed changes in traffic flow, improperly designed work zones, uneven pavement, potholes, or other maintenance issues.
  •   Defective vehicle systems or parts, such as tires, steering, or brakes, which fail and cause the driver to lose control of the vehicle.

Sometimes a driver runs off of the right-side edge of the road and over-corrects, causing their vehicle to cross the centerline into a head-on collision. This is often found to be the cause when young, inexperienced drivers are in head-on collisions.

Legal Options for Head-on Collision Victims in Oregon

Pursuing a successful car accident claim requires being able to show who was legally at fault for the accident. As soon as you contact Rizk Law about a head-on collision, our attorneys will begin investigating to recover documents, testimony, and other evidence that establishes liability for the accident and your right to compensation for your losses.

Evidence may show that liability for the accident rests with one or more of the following parties:

  • Other driver
  • A driver you were riding with
  • Someone responsible for the at-fault driver, such as an employer or parent
  • Someone who distracted the driver who hit you, such as a passenger
  • A business or social host who provided alcohol to an intoxicated driver
  • A local government and contractors responsible for a roadway defect
  • A car or auto parts manufacturer responsible for a defective product

In addition to identifying who has liability and the insurance coverage available, our personal injury attorneys at Rizk Law will calculate your losses and the compensation you are due. The damages you may seek in head-on collision cases include compensation for your:

  • Emergency treatment, rehabilitation, and other medical expenses
  • Costs of long-term care and support for disabilities that result from your injuries
  • Lost wages from missed work or reduced earnings in a light-duty position
  • Lost future earning capacity and employment benefits if you have been permanently disabled
  • Physical pain and anguish from your injuries and subsequent medical treatment
  • Emotional trauma from the crash and distress caused by your severe injuries or resulting disabilities
  • Reduced quality of life caused by disabilities or disfigurement/scarring.

A wrongful death claim on behalf of a loved one could also seek compensation for your:

  • Monetary losses caused by the decedent’s death, such as a breadwinner’s earnings that helped support the household.
  • Loss of society, companionship, and services provided by the decedent, such as childcare and care of the home.

In cases of extreme or intentional negligence, you could be entitled to demand punitive damages. Though rare, punitive damages are awarded in certain cases to punish the perpetrator and deter similar conduct by others.

We would work to determine the full extent of your injuries and losses, then submit a demand letter to any insurance company that had provided coverage to a party financially liable for your injuries. Our demands would outline our evidence of liability and the compensation you are due.

Our personal injury attorneys are experienced negotiators. In most cases, we can negotiate a fair settlement with the insurers without going to court. But we will file a lawsuit on your behalf against any liable party whose insurance company does not respond in good faith. Our trial attorneys will be prepared to present your head-on collision case to court and seek maximum compensation.

Oregon’s Modified Comparative Fault Law

When Oregon courts award compensation in personal injury and wrongful death cases, they follow a doctrine of modified comparative negligence. Under this rule, the compensation you recover in a jury award will be reduced if the jury determines that you bear a portion of fault for the accident.

For example, if you were speeding at the time of the crash, the jury might decide that you are 30% responsible for the severity of your injuries. Therefore, the jury’s award of $100,000 would be reduced to $70,000.

Under Oregon law, if the jury determines that you are 51% or more to blame for the accident or your injuries, you are barred from recovering compensation from others involved in the accident.

Don’t let insurers or others push the blame for a head-on collision onto you and avoid paying you fair compensation. Protect your rights by working with an experienced attorney with Rizk Law.

Contact Rizk Law About a Head-On Collision Injury Claim

When a head-on collision occurs, it can cause devastating injuries. A head-on collision attorney at the law offices of Rizk Law can provide reliable legal assistance to help you understand your legal options and seek the full compensation you need for your losses after a head-on collision.

For a free consultation, call (503) 342-0783 or fill out our contact form.