Most sports fans and parents now know that concussion, especially repeated concussion, can cause permanent brain damage. But did you know that head injury may cause even more serious long- term consequences? Yes, even more serious than permanent brain damage. According to Neurology, the National journal of the American Academy of Neurology, National Football League…
Our words can never express how grateful we are for and to you and everyone that works with you. You were always very knowledgeable, professional and compassionate towards what we were going through and how to get us through it. You let us unburden our legal concerns and helped us deal with a very complicated…
Late autumn is a busy travel time for hunters and recreationalists who venture from the Portland Metro Area to Central and Eastern Oregon. Studies show that, most deer-auto crashes occur in November. Biologist Rob Found, from the University of Alberta, attributes this to October through December being mating season for the North American deer. “Males…
Drivers Education classes provide young drivers scant instruction on how to safely pass semi-trailers. This is alarming since crashes with 18 wheelers frequently result in very severe injury or death. And, perhaps surprisingly, most semi-truck accidents are not the fault of the trucker. Many motorists simply don’t know how to properly drive around trucks because…
Driving is a privilege, not a right. Most of the general public is aware of the hazards of drinking and driving, distracted driving, and reckless driving. Few are aware of other hazardous driving behaviors such as driving with a hazardous medical condition. For example, as evidenced by recent tragedies some motorists do not think twice about…
“Stomp Out Bullying” is a national organization which began its campaign to increase awareness of bullying in October of 2007. Years ago, bullying was considered a rite of passage, and kids were told “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” and to “toughen up and punch ‘the bully’ in…
Every September the Bicycle Transportation Alliance hosts the Bike Commute Challenge to encourage bike commuting. Biking to work is a healthy and environmentally friendly alternative to driving, but it is not always the safest. Portland, Oregon claims the largest percentage of bike commuters of any large U.S. city and is one of America’s most bike…
As the school year begins, many high school teenagers eagerly anticipate taking Drivers Education. Learning to drive and obtaining a driver’s license is a rite of passage for many fifteen and sixteen year olds. Motor vehicle accidents are the second leading cause of death for teenagers. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, mile…
Motorists have long known that teens driving with a teen passenger face an increased risk of a fatal auto crash. A new study released by AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety in May 2012 specifically quantifies the relationship between the number of and ages of, passengers relative to teen crash risk per mile. In doing so,…
A study just released by the National Coalition for Safer Roads suggests that Memorial Day weekend may be the most dangerous holiday weekend of all. Why? David Kelly of who heads the coalition believes travelers at summer’s start are simply extremely anxious to get to where they are going. That assessment is supported by statistics…