You were in a serious car accident. Now you are in the process of putting the pieces back together. A good first step would be obtaining the police report, if one exists. If the officer at the scene provided you with a “Traffic Crash Exchange Report” a written police report probably does not exist. To get…
Rizk Law is located at 0434 SW Iowa Street. Why the zero? Zero is number of dollars Richard Rizk charges for initial phone and in-person consultations (up to 20 minutes). Zero is Richard Rizk’s attorney fee if he is unable to win or settle your case. Zero is amount Richard Rizk requests upon signing a…
Rizk Law proudly congratulates Andrew Pinchin on his upcoming 2013 graduation from University of Oregon Law School. Andrew served as a 2012 editor of the 2012 Oregon Law Review. Mr. Pinchin is a former law clerk to insurance and personal injury lawyer, Richard Rizk of Portland, Oregon. Mr. Pinchin, a native of Liverpool, England, is…
You were skiing or snowboarding. Then a rider from above, cruising at a high speed, slammed into you from behind. That other rider or snowboarder was negligent and should be held responsible for your injuries and pain and suffering. A key is identifying the bad rider before he or she takes off. All ski injury…
You were in injured in a motor vehicle accident and purchased your auto insurance in Oregon. Your Oregon auto insurance policy provides at least $15,000 in coverage for “reasonable and necessary” medical costs related to the crash. This no fault medical insurance in your own auto insurance policy is commonly known as “PIP” coverage. PIP…
On March 1, 2013 Richard Rizk met with Vice President and General Counsel of AVVO, Josh King. AVVO is a Seattle based company that rates lawyers across the United States. Mr. King is recognized nationally as a First Amendment advocate and expert. He is a vocal critic of state bar associations who regulate the practice…
“I live here for the traffic” I explained to my Multnomah County friends during my decade as a Beaverton resident. Yesterday, at a joint Tigard and Beaverton city counselor meeting, many expressed concerns that traffic on Scholls Ferry Road and Highway 217 may get even worse. Why? New high schools planned for Scholls Ferry Road; Tigard’s recent…
Air bags save an estimated 2,788 lives annually according to a study by the National Highway Traffic Administration. The good and bad news is that air bags are much more complicated and now stuffed into every nook and cranny of newer vehicles. As a result, airbag recalls have skyrocketed. In fact, since 2011 just less…
It’s the stuff of a sci-fi thriller. Stop crime before it happens where it will occur. Sound far- fetched? And, no Superman is not involved…just some ingenuity from the Clark County Sherriff’s Office. Pondering police statistics on crime and car accidents, Brian Salsig of the Clark County Sherriff’s office arrived at an epiphany. Might there…
This morning my wife, who regularly bikes to work, made it one block before spinning out of control on black ice. Upon her quick return home she exclaimed: “I’m happy no car was nearby otherwise there may have been a tragedy” Mornings are dark, but even in light, black ice is nearly invisible. In fact, black…