If you have a Long Term Disability claim (LTD), you know that the disability insurer’s investigation never ends. And you may not understand why your LTD claims examiner is so interested in your other sources of income such as Social Security Benefits or workers’ compensation income. What do those benefits have to do with your…

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has opened a formal investigation into the safety of the Tesla Model S electric car following two reports of battery fires, igniting both vehicles. Both cars struck roadway debris that pierced the battery compartment, located just six inches from the ground. Tesla CEO Defensive Tesla CEO Elon Musk…

“The market failure in health care, first and foremost is that the sicker you are, the poorer you become because you can’t work. The poorer you become, the sicker you are because you can’t afford health care, and the market simply cannot solve that without some intervention.” —Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen As the Affordable Care…

After a personal injury lawsuit is filed, insurance companies and attorneys for both parties (or a judge and jury in a court case) agree on a settlement amount to compensate the injured party. A settlement amount includes compensatory damages, a dollar amount intended to compensate the injured plaintiff for what was lost due to the accident…

Increase in Group LTD Policy Rates Inevitable Most employer paid group long term disability plans guarantee the rate for a period of time. After that guaranteed period, they are free to raise the rate to the employer as needed. In these situations, employers can pass that increase on to their employees. Individual v. Group Disability…

Under Strict Liability, if your dog bites someone, you are liable for injuries caused by that attack, unless you live in a state with a “One-Bite” rule, such as Oregon. Dog Owners Get a Free Pass with One-Bite Rule Under a One-Bite statute, a dog’s owner is liable for injuries the dog causes only if the owner…

Accidents and Fatalities Prompt New Regulations To prevent infant death and injury, in October 2013 the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) approved a new standard to improve the safety of bassinets and cradles. The voluntary standard for bassinets and cradles was first approved in 2002, as ASTM 2194, Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Bassinets and…

In an effort to avoid costly civil litigation from claims brought by employees for harassment, discrimination, back pay, and wrongful termination, Comcast is now coxing its employees to sign an agreement barring access to justice through jury trial. The program, called “Comcast Solutions”, gives employees a three step process to claims resolution, where an employee…

As of November 2013, Covered California had signed up nearly 80,000 people in private health plans, and 135,000 people have signed up for Medi-Cal, the state’s Medicaid. In California, about 2,700 people are signing up for ACA insurance coverage daily, while fewer than 3,000 Texans chose a health plan through the exchange in the entire…

It is important to create a safe sleep environment for your baby. Because babies spend much of their time sleeping, the nursery should be the safest room in the house. Rules for Safe Sleep With any crib, bassinet or play yard, the following simple rules keep babies sleeping safely: Bare is best – to prevent suffocation, never…