Rotational Acceleration Causes Concussions Football helmets today are designed to withstand linear acceleration so they’re good at protecting the skull from fractures and to some degree lessening the jarring of the brain inside the skull. However, according to latest research, most concussions that cause traumatic brain injury are more the result of “rotational acceleration”- a…

As scientists confirm that football and other high-impact sports can leave lasting brain damage, companies are marketing “anti-concussion” equipment to coaches, parents and children that, neurologists say, probably does not work. Neurologist Featured in Senate Hearing Jeffrey Kutcher, chairman of the American Academy of Neurology’s sports section, said at a Senate hearing October 16, 2013,…

Imagine telling the IRS that you can’t file your return because you can’t locate your records, and expecting the IRS to relieve you of your tax obligations. Most people wouldn’t even consider using that excuse; yet insurance companies are presenting the same argument to avoid producing records in insurance coverage disputes. Other Insurance Information Valuable…

Settlement Preferred by All Parties Because decisions of juries are hard to predict, neither car accident attorneys nor insurance companies want to go to trial if they can reach a mutual agreement in the form of a settlement. Both parties also have more control over costs with a settlement than with a trial, which often involves…

On December 12, 2013, the Senate Finance Committee joined the House Ways and Means Committee in passing legislation correcting a decade-long problem that has created uncertainty for millions of Medicare providers and patients by repealing a broken payment formula and replacing it with a smarter approach that rewards quality health care over quantity. Yearly Temporary…

There are two to three injuries every day for every 1,000 people skiing and snowboarding. Despite the different equipment required for each sport, the injuries are quite similar. Those under 18 have the highest incidence of injury. Women get injured at a slightly higher rate than men, but when men get injured their problems tend…

If you have been in an auto accident in Oregon, there is another election you need to be aware of. It is the PIP election. The PIP election does not involve candidates or voting, but could affect the amount of money you get from your auto accident claim. Your Oregon auto insurance policy contains “no…

The Amendments to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), while broadening the scope of physical or mental impairments which would be considered to be disabilities under the ADA, is focused less on whether a condition is a disability and more on determining reasonable accommodations. Suggested Employer Accommodations for Workers with Cancer, Diabetes, Epilepsy and Intellectual…

Children are now returning to school! Drivers will once again be required to slow down in school zones during school hours. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, pedestrian Injury is the second leading cause of injury-related death in the United States for children ages 5 to 15. In any given year, more…

You are injured by a product. Who is responsible for your harm? If your injury was caused by a design defect, improper instruction as to use, or a defect that occurred during manufacture, you have the right to take legal action against any person, company, or entity that is responsible including private citizens, stores, manufacturers,…