When it comes to motor vehicle accident insurance, Oregon is a fault-based state. It requires any person who causes a vehicle accident to pay compensation for the injuries and property damage the other parties suffered due to the accident. The law also requires Oregon residents to carry personal injury protection (PIP) insurance. PIP insurance covers…

Windows provide much-needed sunlight, brighten up our homes, and allow us to bring a little of the outdoors inside. Unfortunately, although necessary, our windows are also one of the most dangerous elements in our homes. The National Safety Council (NSC) reports that more than 3,300 children under five are injured yearly by falling out of…

Dropping your child off at school often means entrusting their safety to the hands of strangers. While most school workers can be trusted, many are neglectful or just plain negligent and endanger the well-being of countless students. Injuries are one of the worst things that can happen to your child while at school. If your…

Drinking and driving is harshly penalized throughout the United States. Unfortunately, there are still significant risks of suffering life-threatening injuries in a drunk driving accident. Even with the significant legal consequences, drivers still act negligently. Young drivers are inexperienced and may have trouble paying attention to their surroundings while driving. If a teen encounters a…

The Pacific Northwest is well-known for its many “wet weather systems” that sweep off the Pacific Ocean and dump rain, hail, and snow across the region. Usually, this is hardly an issue for Oregonians who are used to gray skies, but even PNW locals are not invulnerable to suffering severe injuries in inclement weather. Property…

A standoff on Thursday, February 2, 2023, in Hood River, Oregon, between police and an armed suspect led to the arrest of 42-year-old Simeon Hill. Before the standoff, Hill’s father contacted the police around noon and informed officers of his son’s behavior. Hill’s father told them that Hill was a previous combat veteran and had…

It’s that time of year again—spring break! For many teens, this means a week or two spent partying and exploring with friends. Whether students are headed to the beach, mountains, or even abroad, there are some safety tips teens and parents alike should consider throughout the trip. If you are a teenager or the parent…

The Department of Education found that school bus accidents decrease as school bus training increases. While this is especially true for school bus drivers, the same can be said about everyday motor vehicle drivers. On the road, drivers must watch out for children in areas where they are often present. This includes school zones, playgrounds,…

Oregon has some of the strictest teen driving laws in the country, and for a good reason. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), teenagers behind the wheel have a crash rate of nearly four times the rate of drivers over the age of 20. Whether you are the parent of a teenager…

The risk of suffering in a motor vehicle accident due to hazardous weather conditions increases as the cold settles into Oregon. With freezing temperatures, slippery road conditions, and low visibility levels, the winter weather presents considerable challenges for motorists. Oregon is no stranger to cold and snowy weather. Since it’s never a surprise when the…