This received today. Good work to Lawyer Jerry Larkin of Rizklaw! Richard Rizk “THANK YOU AGAIN!!! and if there is clouds above cloud nine I have been there SINCE I heard the LIFE CHANGING news so do know that myself, family and friends all thank you and your firm for all the HARD HARD work…

Portland is often viewed through rose-colored lenses as a city in which open-minded individuals receptive to different ideas, viewpoints, beliefs, and backgrounds come together to indulge in craft beer, legalized marijuana and the natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest. It is a place that prides itself on political participation and exercising free speech. Peaceful protests…

From the computer mouse to the Nike swoosh, many great inventions bloomed in Portland. Most recently, self-driving trucks have been developed in Rose City by a team of engineers working for Daimler Trucks North America, headquartered east of the Willamette. The group is a big piece of the automation puzzle and seeks to adapt automation…

What driver hasn’t impatiently waited to make a left-hand turn, while anxiously anticipating a quick dash between two oncoming cars? It’s a dangerous move that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) says is involved in 61 percent of crashes that take place while turning. A study by New York’s transportation planners also concluded that left-hand turns…

Despite efforts to contain Portland’s widespread homelessness, a recent report unveiled that the city’s homeless population has increased by 10% since the city’s homeless crisis began two years ago. In a new effort to provide some stability, the city is testing out its first government-supported homeless village. It’s a homeless camp with a twist. Residents of Kenton Women’s…

Allstate recently released its latest America’s Best Drivers Report and by the looks of it, Portland drivers are getting worse. Allstate reviews its own claim data to rank cities according to various factors that depict their driving abilities. Last year, Portland ranked at the very top — of the very last page — at #181. The report…

For the second time in only a month a flagger was struck and killed in Happy Valley, Oregon. On June 23rd, a flagger directing traffic at a construction site off the intersection of Southeast 132nd Avenue and Rose Meadow Drive was accidentally run over by a dump truck. Both driver and flagger were with the crew…

If the past 30 days of traffic statistics are an indication, we could see a record number of traffic fatalities in the days up to and during July 4th, historically the deadliest holiday for fatal crashes. Predictions for Record July 4th Road Travel For the fourth year in a row, AAA is expecting record travel…

Just a few years ago, Uber made headlines when it was discovered that they were using a software program called Greyball to avoid detection by law enforcement officers and city officials in cities in which Uber was operating illegally (like Portland). The program allowed code enforcement officers to use Uber, but strangely, they would not be able…

Portland’s Zidell Marine launched its final barge into the Willamette River on June 16, 2017, symbolically marking the end of an era, with plans to remake its 33 acre site into a new mixed use neighborhood along the South Waterfront. At the South Portland Business Association’s June 7th luncheon meeting, Portland attorneyCharlene Zidell unveiled Zidell Marine’s long-awaited…