Despite strict laws against drunk driving, statistics indicate that more than 14,000 people were arrested in Oregon and more than 23,000 were arrested in Washington State for driving under the influence in 2016. Many, many more intoxicated drivers escape detection without an arrest, which means there are even more drunk drivers on the road than those statistics reflect. When…

Top car manufacturers are investing heavily in the technology that powers driverless cars. Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are being hailed as the answer to rising auto accident deaths. Poor human decision-making is the #1 cause of 94% of fatal car accidents annually; the logic follows that restricting human involvement behind the wheel will cause the number of fatalities…

These days, you don’t need to pester your family members for a ride to the airport or guilt-trip a friend into being the designated driver for the evening. With rideshare king Uber, an inexpensive ride is never out of reach. While Uber has surpassed the popularity of taxis, issuing over 5.5 billion rides daily, riders…

March is National Brain Injury Awareness Month. At Rizk Law, we frequently help those who have survived brain injuries recover the compensation they need to carry on with their lives to the best of their ability. Traumatic brain injuries are among the most severe injuries incurred by a devastating accident such as a car accident…

Portland City Council recently voted to set 20 miles per hour speed limits on residential streets. The council voted unanimously to reduce speeds to 20 mph from 25 mph in residential areas, which make up about 70% of the city’s street grid. The ordinance takes effect immediately on roads that lack speed limit signs. The…

The Oregon Department of Transportation recently invited the public to opine on the use of congestion pricing to improve the flow of traffic on the state’s vital highways: I-5 and I-205 in Portland. The state hopes to ease the volume of traffic on freeways, highways, and bridges in the gem of Oregon, known for around-the-clock rush…

Long gone are the days where a typical two-parent household could survive on one income. With the exorbitant cost of living reaching unprecedented figures, most families require two working adults to stay afloat. As a result, working couples with young children are often forced to surrender their offspring to caregivers. Parents are overwhelmingly enrolling children…

A law that affects fewer than 300,000 Oregonians sparked a national debate on social media just days before it went into effect. On January first, Oregonians stepped into the new year with more freedoms they didn’t even want. House Bill 2482 allows gas stations in certain, rural parts of the state to offer self-service and is responsible…

On December 18, 2017, Amtrak Cascades’ first run of its new high-speed passenger service between Tacoma and Portland ended in disaster just minutes after departure when the train failed to negotiate a curve where the train crosses over Interstate 5. Traveling at a speed of 81.1mph in a curved section of the track near DuPont,…

The holiday season is already upon us. From late November to early January, a surge of festivities invites us to socialize with our coworkers, friends, and loved ones. Too often, there are more opportunities and obligations to imbibe than many of us can handle. Consequently, the toll for alcohol-related crashes and fatalities spikes during the…