“I am going to share with you what I learned from this tragedy… This is what I have done to be better prepared if something traumatic happens in the future. My hope is that this will help save you or someone you love extra pain, struggle and challenge if you are ever in an emergency situation….

“Proving that a collision caused a broken leg is easy,” . . . states Alex Pletch, Attorney at Rizklaw. “Soft tissue injuries, such as strains and sprains, do not show up on x-rays so they are not easy to prove. Insurance companies devalue claims when there is no obvious wound or broken bone. Doctors and…

My name is Sam Pope and here is my story… After 15 months at Rizk Law, I know this work is the best way for me to use my skills to help those who need it most. My path to becoming a law clerk, and soon to be an attorney, was not a typical one, but…

Accidents Do Happen BUT things CAN turn around when you have a great team working for you. Mr. Bell Shares His Story Mr. Bell was driving a company vehicle during his shift at the Moda Center when a negligent driver crashed into him. The collision was only moderate in terms of severity, but it was serious…

South Portland Business Association President, Attorney Richard Rizk, has been on top of the Southwest to South address change issue of late. This is an issue that affects many Southwest Portland businesses directly. Richard has been a voice for the people affected in this change. His goal, as always, is to make sure the people of…

Injury car accidents are predominantly caused by human error, yet the environment in which the crash took place factors into 28% of all collisions. That Portland’s roads are in severe disrepair is no secret; since 1988 City Council has tried to address road paving but has fallen short. Funds that should have gone toward transportation…

Due to their sheer size and capacity, city garbage trucks present a threat to everyone else on the road. From drivers of passenger vehicles to cyclists and pedestrians, a scrape with a garbage truck can end in disaster very quickly. These accidents have a high rate of serious injury and death. Filing a claim for your Portland…

If you have recently been injured in an accident through no fault of your own, there may be several important issues running through your mind. First and foremost, you are concerned about the prospects of a successful recovery. You may have acquired severe injuries that are keeping you away from work and your family. You…

Rizklaw sponsored and enjoyed an evening of Top Golf with the Multnomah Bar Association last Thursday. There was a lot of laughter, some good food and great conversations on the “green”! What describes a social event like this better than a few photos! For more events with the Multnomah Bar Association check here!

Last Saturday at the clubs’ annual meeting, Cascade Ski Club President Jon Waldum announced Richard Rizk’s appointment as the club’s General Counsel. According to President Waldum: “General Counsel is responsible for providing advise to the Board on legal compliance***  It (the general counsel  position) requires someone with great integrity. Counsel is often asked for judgement…