The South Portland Neighborhood Association (SPNA) recently met with an ODOT representative who explained that they are in the early stages of developing a plan for tolling areas of I-5 and 205 as shown on the map. The current plan is to have a rolling price, more expensive tolls at higher use times. The idea…
Choosing a Distracted Driving App There are several distracted driving apps available. We here at DMV.ORG got our hands on several top-rated apps to help guide you towards an app best suited for your needs. When choosing a distractive driving app, consider the following: Is the app compatible with your phone? Does it have the ability…
1st VIDEO MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR ALL VIEWERS – BEWARE Over the past month we have been sharing with you how INSANELY important it is to PAY FULL ATTENTION while driving. That means putting the phone DOWN and not touching it as well as not allowing anything else to distract us either. Whether it…
According to research conducted by AT&T, 77% of American teenagers report that adults close to them instruct them not to text while driving… Yet they see those same adults text or email while they drive. It takes all of us to make safe roads. Take responsibility for your actions – realizes this behavior could kill…
Many people work in jobs that require them to spend a great deal of time behind the wheel: bus drivers, truck drivers, and even construction workers and other people who need to haul a great deal of equipment on a regular basis. Unfortunately, drunk drivers killed more than 10,000 persons in 2016 alone—and drivers on the job…
No Excuse Makes it Okay People tend to give all kinds of excuses when they are asked why they text while they drive. For most, it is that some texts are too important to be ignored. However, as one grieving mother puts it, no text message is more important than your own life. You don’t…
Last October, a new law went into effect in Oregon, making it illegal to drive while holding or using an electronic device, such as a cell phone. Now, Eugene Police say that the harsher rules appear to be working. Sgt. Shawn Marsh says that he’s seen less drivers taking their eyes off the road and…
Today more than two-million inmates live in America’s prisons. According to the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), that gives the United States the largest incarcerated population in the world. Prisons in Oregon are overcrowded, understaffed, dangerous places. Inmate violence and overwhelmed prison medical care programs pose real hazards to incarcerated Oregonians. At the Richard Rizk Law Office,…
In its most recent data, Oregon received more than 80,000 reports of child abuse or neglect—more than 16,000 in Multnomah County alone—during fiscal year 2017. Authorities investigated almost 44,000 of those reports, and opened about 7,000 cases involving roughly 11,000 victims. When you leave your children in the care of another, whether at school or daycare, with…
Sure, e-scooters may make personal transportation more convenient in our traffic-heavy city. But how safe are e-Scooters, really?? In the weeks since scooter roll-out, already many have been hurt while riding these devices. Injuries should be of no surprise. E-scooter riders share narrow bike lanes with bicyclists and the same risks of travel in those lanes,…