Fatigued-related car accidents are on the rise, even though driving while tired is extremely dangerous and more likely to cause bad accidents. National statistics show large numbers of drivers have been behind the wheel while they are tired and have even fallen asleep at the wheel at some point. Below, you can learn more about…

Personal injury protection (PIP) is an important part of insurance policies that are issued in the state of Oregon. In fact, all automotive insurance policies that are issued must include a minimum PIP coverage of at least $15,000. When you file a claim after a car accident, PIP will cover the necessary and reasonable medical…

This may sound extreme, but one poorly-worded, unclear statement from you to an insurance adjuster after a car accident can seriously hurt your chances of recovering fair compensation. Insurance adjusters are ready to pounce on anything they can use to discredit you and give them a reason to deny your claim. That is why it…

The time after an auto accident is confusing enough for the drivers of both vehicles. When there are passengers involved, they often are uncertain about how to deal with their damages and how to get their hands on financial compensation through an insurance claim or lawsuit. At Rizk Law, we help victims of car accidents…

On June 4th, the Oregon Senate voted against a bill that would have eliminated the state’s $500,000 cap on compensation for pain and suffering damages suffered by personal injury victims. Backers of the bill do not have much hope it will be revived before the 2019 legislative session concludes at the end of June. The…

It has been nearly seven years since an 11-year-old girl died in downtown Portland while riding on a party bus to a quinceanera. The girl fell out of one of the bus’s windows and was fatally injured. The company that was operating the bus did not have the required city permits, and unfortunately, the problem…

The cause of death of an inmate of the Oregon State Penitentiary is still being determined, according to a statement from Oregon’s Department of Corrections. This is at least the ninth inmate death of 2019. Inmate deaths at this facility have increased over the last couple years, as there were 28 in 2017 and 35…

Do not be fooled by clever commercials and advertising slogans; insurance companies are definitely not out for your best interests. Unfortunately, accident victims may not know this or may believe their experience with the insurance company will be different. This is why you should try to educate yourself on the tactics insurance companies will use…

Operating a commercial truck under the influence of drugs or alcohol is extremely dangerous. If a crash occurs under these circumstances, there is a much greater risk of it resulting in serious or even fatal injury. This is why the commercial trucking industry has various regulations on drug and alcohol testing of drivers, including testing…

There has been a lot of concern in recent years over distracted driving, as so many people have cellphones and distracted driving crashes have increased. These accidents have helped popularize hands-free apps for smartphones and car navigation systems to allow users to continue using their phones and other devices without taking their hands off the…