Amid ongoing protests in Portland and across the country, crowds continue to protest police brutality against African Americans and demand police reform. If you believe you were a victim of police misconduct and your rights have been violated, we strongly recommend that you contact an experienced lawyer for help. At Rizk Law, we offer a…

In the months since the U.S. was first hit with the coronavirus and businesses were closed down to help prevent the spread of infection, there have been significantly less cars on the roads. However, in spite of emptier highways and local streets, essential workers and others are still driving, which means that there have also…

A Brownsville traffic accident occurred just after midnight on Friday, killing two and seriously injuring a third. A 21-year-old Junction City man, who was reportedly exhibiting reckless driving behavior and operating his vehicle while intoxicated, has been arrested for the crash and charged with two counts of criminally negligent homicide. In the Oregon Live news…

Despite decreased traffic amid stay-at-home orders in most states, the National Safety Council reported that March 2020 saw a 14-percent increase in traffic deaths when compared to the same time period last year. Rizk Law discusses the reasons for the increased number of traffic fatalities, especially locally, in Portland, where the emptier roads have resulted…

Everyone has, and will continue to, adjust to accommodate COVID-19 realities. Personal injury claimants must also adjust. Those who pivot effectively could be pleasantly surprised. Those who don’t may end up without the treatment needed and empty-handed. Which end of the spectrum your claim lands will depend, in large part, on whether a claimant can…

In March 2020, the hours-of-service (HOS) regulations under the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) were suspended nationwide. While smaller scale suspensions have happened in the past during times of local or state disasters, there has never been a nationwide suspension. Rizk Law explains why the Department of Transportation has issued the emergency relief order…

Fall 2019 suddenly seems like ancient history. Back then, residents of South Portland, Oregon were understandably fed up with exceptionally long lines of idling motorists on SW Kelly and SW Corbett Aves waiting to merge onto the west end of the Ross Island bridgehead. Like death and taxes, every weekday afternoon, never fail, cars and…

As Oregon starts to see some nicer weather and the state begins to reopen for business, drivers of motorcycles, cars and other vehicles will be excited to get out on the roads again. During motorcycle awareness month, it is a good time to reconsider road safety, especially after being cooped up for so many weeks…

Portland is considering ways to make bike paths and sidewalks safer for cyclists and pedestrians during the pandemic and going forward. Concerns include maintaining social distancing while providing more protection from vehicles still on the road. Rizk Law explains some of the provisions under consideration and when you might begin to see these changes. If…

Many Portland residents are adhering to local shutdown requirements and following the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) recommendations for slowing the spread of the virus. However, some individuals, such as essential workers, may have to leave home to drive to work or run an urgent errand. If you are in a car crash during this…