young man shouting through open car window

Incidents of road rage have been steadily increasing over the last decade and continue to rise in 2020. In fact, recent statistics show that a staggering eight out of every 10 Americans engage in some form of this erratic and dangerous behavior. One must wonder whether COVID-19-related stresses are, at least in part, a contributing…

Portland police are investigating a hit-and-run crash that happened on Northeast Halsey Street around 10:45 p.m. on Saturday night. When responding officers arrived at the accident scene, located west of Northeast 162nd Avenue on Halsey, they found two smashed vehicles. A single passenger had to be extricated from the first vehicle after being discovered pinned…

doctor with a patient

By Richard Rizk  Most health insurance policies exclude treatment for injuries caused by someone else’s mistake. To fill that gap, Oregon requires all auto insurers to include a coverage commonly known as Personal Injury Protection (PIP), which pays “reasonable and necessary” medical expenses substantially caused by a motor vehicle accident for up to two years…

elderly woman hands on steering wheel

The natural aging process can make it harder for people to safely operate a car, increasing their chance of an getting into a serious car accident. For some people, continuing to drive at an advanced age puts themselves and others at risk for serious or life-threatening injuries. However, before asking an older family member to…

Selfie in front of 15 ped pass Portland

Rizk Law founder and senior attorney Richard Rizk also serves as a Transportation Ambassador for the Portland Bureau of Transportation. He has been looking for ways to help Portlanders stay physically and mentally fit in the winter while being socially responsible and following COVID-19 safety precautions. One activity Rizk is encouraging people to take part…

Portland's MAX Light Rail Train at Night

In May 2017, Oregon Public Broadcasting, OPB, reported that Jeremy Christian had allegedly attacked and killed two people and injured a third on a Portland MAX light rail train. Prior to that attack, witnesses gave testimony that Christian also committed various other hate and intimidation crimes, such as yelling out racist comments at the train…

woman buckling child into carseat

Amid the state’s continued spike in confirmed new COVID-19 cases, Governor Kate Brown has issued a statewide freeze, which will be in effect throughout the Thanksgiving holiday. This latest step-back from reopening, Executive Order 20-65, is temporary, but deemed necessary to help curb the alarming spread of the virus in Oregon. Rizk Law discusses these updates,…

young female upset while reading document

If you follow the steps you are supposed to take after having a car accident, including filing your claim with the insurance company, you may be in for a shock if your claim is denied. People may often think if their claim is denied that they have no recourse or that the insurance company must…

image of a gavel with various pills

Oregon recently passed a new law, Oregon Measure 110, which decriminalizes the low-level use and possession of hard drugs. While many are calling this achievement a victory, others doubt it will greatly impact the recovery of those who struggle with addiction, and it could lead to more drug-impaired driving accidents. Rizk Law explains the new…

moving bicycle about approaching open car door

Drivers are likely to encounter many pedestrians and bicyclists in Portland. It is the driver’s responsibility to look out for these vulnerable road users, and not just when their cars are in motion. Bicyclists are often seriously injured when drivers open their doors without looking and riders crash into the door. There is often not…