Food delivery has increased dramatically in the last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic causing United States residents to stay inside. DoorDash, a leading food delivery service, reports around a 200% increase in revenue in a year. From a revenue of $587 million to $1.92 billion, DoorDash and many others are experiencing significant growth in…

Henry Hagg Lake has an unfortunate history of drownings that has spanned over the last few decades. On Saturday, August 14th, Satoru Kamoshita, 61, of Beaverton, was out kayaking and enjoying his free time when he decided to exit his boat for a light swim. Unfortunately, 9-1-1 dispatchers started receiving reports that a swimmer had…

As some segments of society grind to a halt to adhere to local shutdown requirements, many of us are adjusting established routines in light of the COVID-19 outbreak. While familiar risks like car accidents remain, how those risks are approached has been changed by this new reality. Clients may be wondering “Could my settlement be…
Insurance is strange in that it’s a product purchasers hope to never need to use and, in many cases, never do. Apparently aware of this predicament, many insurance company advertising campaigns seek to entertain by poking fun at all that is mundane about insurance, which is, well, everything. Bring up the topic of insurance at…

On Saturday, October 2nd, around 1 a.m. in Salem, Oregon, a patrol officer was driving through Oregon State Fairgrounds when a group of people signaled for their help. When the officer assessed the situation, they found a woman administering CPR on another woman — identified as 24-year-old Juana Sebastian — lying unconscious in the street….

In early August 2021, the Consumer Product Safety Commission recalled around 2 million dehumidifiers made by New Widetech. After investigating over 107 incidents of the dehumidifiers overheating or catching fire, New Widetech is recalling their products for manufacturing safety concerns. While there are no reports of any injuries concerning the recalled products, New Widetech’s malfunctioning…

“And ladies and gentlemen, in support of my client’s severe, constant pain, I call witness, oxycontin followed by witness fentanyl.” “What?!” you say. “That’s ridiculous!! Opioids can’t testify!” Of course not, but prescribing opioids is often the path of least resistance. In the post-pandemic era, the medical profession has been squeezed by staffing shortages. And,…

In Amazon’s hit series Goliath, Billy Bob Thornton plays Billy McBride, an injured lawyer who takes on opioid producer Zax pharma and its maniacal, ethically challenged leader George Zax. According to Mr. Thornton, his portal was not a stretch. “Billy is not the type, I am not the type, who likes the idea of big…

Around 8:20 p.m. on October 3rd, deputies from the Tillamook County Sheriff’s Office responded to a report of an overturned sailboat south of Nehalem Bay. On the nearby beach, authorities spotted an unconscious woman, but medics were unable to revive her. When the 42-foot sailboat washed up on the beach, the U.S. Coast Guard found…

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to create changes in our lives even after over a year. Statistics reported by the National Automobile Dealers Association show a 12.5% increase in used car prices in the last year. The demand for used cars is a great business deal that can make a considerable amount of profit for sellers….