Accident reconstruction experts are dedicated to analyzing the factors that lead to a crash. In a car accident claim, accident reconstruction experts can play a critical role, as they can determine the cause of the accident and who could be at fault for the crash. If you were involved in a severe accident in Oregon,…

The rate of fatal car accidents in the United States went up 9% over the course of last year. Oregon ranked in the top 10 states with the most significant increase in motor vehicle fatalities in 2021. Oregon car accident deaths rose 20% when compared to the year prior, according to a recent study conducted…

Too many Portland drivers have been turning a blind eye to our local speed limit signs, and more and more pedestrians are paying the ultimate price because of it. From 2017 to 2019, 75% of the 48 fatal pedestrian accidents in Portland resulted from a speeding driver. Excessive speed has long been a top contributor…
Steep grades and hairpin turns are dangerous regardless of weather conditions, but on February 21, 2022, we saw just how dangerous they can be. Cabbage Hill, an area in Eastern Oregon already notorious for poor winter weather conditions, saw temperatures plummet into single digits. The area of I-84 that passes through Cabbage Hill was under…

Rizk Law recommends 10% happier podcast and mindfulness courses hosted by Dan Harris, a former ABC anchor. Dan’s backstory gives him authentic street cred. Google “Dan Harris on-air meltdown.” So many great people have suffered during the last few years, and quite frankly, the world does not have enough mental health care workers to handle…

New research suggests that drivers of bigger vehicles, such as SUVs and pickup trucks, are substantially more likely to strike pedestrians than smaller vehicles when making turns. The study, conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), may link the surging popularity of larger vehicles in the United States with the uptick in nationwide…

Earthquakes are a common occurrence in Oregon and have the potential to cause terrible damage to your property. In most cases, homeowner policies, as well as mobile home, condominium, and renter insurance policies, don’t cover earthquakes. Oregon’s Department of Consumer & Business Services reports that only around 20% of Oregonians have earthquake coverage since the…

With technology advancing every day, more businesses and individuals use video surveillance to keep their property and themselves safe. If you walk down the street, chances are you’ll encounter several security cameras either on street lights or outside garages. Many people also invest in Ring Doorbells, which take video recordings when movement is detected outside…

After a car accident, you’re often busy processing documents and gathering information. While your first reaction may be to submit paperwork, the most important thing you can do is make sure you suffered no harm. Even if you don’t have any visible injuries, latent internal ones can cause you to suffer extreme damage if not…

Early February 2022, an SUV smashed into a minivan and rebounded into the front of Capitol Bar on Northeast 15th Avenue and Broadway. Luckily, no one was injured or in the building at the time of the accident. However, the inflicted damage on the building will possibly need months until it’s ready to reopen. Many…